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Very Bad Therapy

Apr 25, 2022

Ben and Carrie have a new podcast! It’s called Learn Psychotherapy, and we’re inviting you to listen and practice along to develop your therapy skills.


Learn Psychotherapy: Website / YouTube / Apple Podcasts / Spotify


Skill Criteria for Soliciting Client Feedback:

  1. Begin with a short response, reflection, or...

Apr 18, 2022

We’re long overdue for a good old-fashioned Q&A episode. You’ve sent in your questions, and we’re here to opine about everything from the importance of therapists getting their own therapy to the curious reluctance of the mental health field to embrace social psychology. Plus, we begrudgingly discuss the...

Apr 4, 2022

What happens when a therapist and client have two very different conversational styles? Therapists can try to build rapport in many ways, which unfortunately is reflected in our guest Ben’s experience of being given terrible advice mislabeled as psychoeducation. Whether a client is talkative or reserved, one thing is...