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Very Bad Therapy

May 27, 2019

If a person claims to be gay, should you ever doubt them? Ben shares his story about winning $50 betting on his own sexual orientation, our guest Shaw tells us what it's like to debate your therapist about same-sex attraction not being a symptom of sexual assault, and we look at research that links sexual trauma to...

May 27, 2019

EMDR is a groundbreaking, controversial, and maybe not-that-special psychotherapy treatment. We explore the research on its mechanisms and effectiveness before hearing from our guest Justin about his EMDR experience with an overeager therapist. Then, Curt Widhalm, LMFT, EMDR certified, and cohost of The...

May 20, 2019

Carrie and Ben share why they decided to start a podcast about bad therapy. What can be learned from our guests' varied experiences in the counseling room? How will this podcast be helpful to listeners with an interest in therapy? These are conversations that are rarely held within the field of psychotherapy. Thank you...